Revel in the romance of Vermont’s Mad River Valley

Two May Stories!

Egg Rolls and the
Language of Love

“Just to be clear, I will never date you,” Kylie said.

“Wow, that’s harsh,” Kevin said. “I mean, never is a really long time.”

“Maybe ‘never’ is next week? Coffee?” His shy, sad smile turned her heart.

Cremees for a Cause

The first time Trevor saw Constance, he noticed her blue eyes, clear and piercing beneath dark black lashes. She ordered a maple creemee cone, small, no sprinkles.

The second time Trevor saw Constance, he noticed a small gold heart locket hanging from a thin chain around her neck, and the way her smile was so big it caused the corners of her eyes to crinkle. She ordered a blueberry vanilla twist cone, small, colored sprinkles.

Want to smile at the summer love of couples young and not so young? Order our third ebook, a collection of three short stories and three adventures. Enjoy the Valley summer all over again. Only $0.99!

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